News - 13 Feb 25

Many Western Europeans think mandatory voting is important, but Americans are split
Around two-thirds of adults in Germany, France and the UK say it is important for their national government to make voting compulsory. More
America is exceptional in the nature of its political divide
The U.S. is not the only country wrestling with political fissures. But the pandemic has revealed how pervasive the divide in U.S. politics is. More
In past elections, U.S. trailed most developed countries in voter turnout
Comparing U.S. voter turnout to other countries' depends very much on which country you’re looking at and which measuring stick you use. More
From voter registration to mail-in ballots, how do countries around the world run their elections?
Ahead of the 2020 U.S. election, here’s a look at how elections are run in the United States and other countries around the world. More
Key facts about women’s suffrage around the world, a century after U.S. ratified 19th Amendment
At least 20 nations preceded the U.S. in granting women the right to vote, according to an analysis of measures in 198 countries and territories. More

Identification & Elections : Improving Registration, Increasing Access & Maintaining Trust in our Elections

Date of Event: Wednesday, 1st March 2023

Time of Event: 14:00–16:00 (GMT/UTC)

Place of Event: Webinar


Voter identification is one of the most complex and contested parts of the electoral process. Yet, it remains of crucial importance to ensuring the franchise of all eligible voters, and thus helping a democracy to realise the fundamental principle of “one person, one vote.” This issue though is particularly complicated in countries where no reliable census and identity documents exist.

It is therefore the responsibility of electoral authorities to ensure that voters have the right to vote, but that eligible voters are unimpeded from accessing the ballot paper and are able to easily prove their right to vote in any given election.

Electoral bodies have a range of tools at their disposal to do so, including regular auditing of voter registration rolls, campaigns to ensure voters are accurately registered, and use of innovative technologies to reach more people.

A number of experts have argued that biometrics could provide the required solution. With a growing number of democracies already using biometric technologies, it is becoming more apparent as to what benefits they can offer as well as their limitations and challenges. In most cases this technology is used to de-duplicate the register, but it can also be used to empower citizens and ensure that they can realise their right to vote, particularly in places with traditional identity documents are unreliable.

This webinar will look at how issues of identity in elections can be overcome, how trust and security in electoral processes can be maintained and the prospects of new technologies – such as biometrics – to helping electoral management bodies carry out their functions.


Dr Bridgett King
Event Chair, Associate Professor at Auburn University
Dr. Holly Ann Garnett
Director of the Electoral Integrity Project
Shabir Ahmed
Country Director, Pakistan, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
Dr Nasim Zaidi
Former Chief Election Commissioner of India
Professor Barry Burden
Director of the Elections Research Center


  • Look at what challenges emanate from the need to prove identity
  • Examine how electoral authorities can correctly identify eligible voters whilst not disenfranchising sections of the population
  • Learn how voter identification and registration overlap, and how without the an effective way of proving identification, accurate and comprehensive registration is difficult
  • Discuss how the use of biometrics can help electoral management bodies confirm identity in elections and improve their voter registrations rolls
  • Analyse the challenges discriminated groups in particular face on issues of identification and how this can be overcome
  • Case studies of countries that have implemented biometric technologies in their electoral process, and an analysis of the impact on voter registration and access to the ballot box.
  • Panel discussion featuring experts in the field of voter identification and electoral management, discussing best practices and recommendations for addressing the challenges of voter identification in countries with unreliable census and identity documents.
  • Q&A session for attendees to ask questions and engage in further discussion with the presenters and panelists.
  • Conclusion and next steps for improving voter registration and increasing access to the ballot box in countries with unreliable census and identity documents.

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