News - 13 Feb 25

Many Western Europeans think mandatory voting is important, but Americans are split
Around two-thirds of adults in Germany, France and the UK say it is important for their national government to make voting compulsory. More
America is exceptional in the nature of its political divide
The U.S. is not the only country wrestling with political fissures. But the pandemic has revealed how pervasive the divide in U.S. politics is. More
In past elections, U.S. trailed most developed countries in voter turnout
Comparing U.S. voter turnout to other countries' depends very much on which country you’re looking at and which measuring stick you use. More
From voter registration to mail-in ballots, how do countries around the world run their elections?
Ahead of the 2020 U.S. election, here’s a look at how elections are run in the United States and other countries around the world. More
Key facts about women’s suffrage around the world, a century after U.S. ratified 19th Amendment
At least 20 nations preceded the U.S. in granting women the right to vote, according to an analysis of measures in 198 countries and territories. More

Elections & Technology : How to Incorporate New Systems into Our Electoral Processes Post-Covid-19

Date of Event: Wednesday, 30th June 2021

Time of Event: 10:00 – 12:00h & 14:00 – 17:00h UK local time (GMT +1)

Place of Event: Webinar


The events of the last year have brought growing pressure for electoral stakeholders to embrace new technologies to address a number of the challenges that have emerged following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many electoral bodies, the last year has acted as a catalyst for many changes that were already underway, but for others it has led to a significant shift in thinking. In this timely moment, it is important to explore the implications of incorporating existing and emerging technologies into our electoral processes.

Over the last year, increased interest in the use of technology has been driven by a desire to reduce physical contact and promote social distancing. However, long term, technology is often part of a plan to help electoral management bodies improve efficiency and communication, streamline delivery and lower costs of operation. The use of technology in elections is also made possible by citizens, who are empowered by smartphones and other digital devices. This not only allows them to access modern technologies like e-registration systems and real time poll station data, but it can elevate them to observers of elections as well. The effective use of technology therefore can enhance both the efficiency and transparency of an election.

However, technology also comes with its own risks. The use of electronic voting systems opens our elections up to the potential of online hacking. Greater dependency on e-registration systems can have the unintended effect of disenfranchising those groups who are less digitally literate. And online systems can lead to high amounts of data harvesting, creating a bigger burden on data protection legislation. New technology also has to be well communicated to the public, not only so they are aware of how to use them, but also so that trust and transparency in the processes remains high.

This event will be co-hosted by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) and the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) over two virtual roundtables on the same day. The virtual roundtables will bring together leading electoral administrators and thinkers in the use of technology, and will also showcase a number of industry partners and a range of innovative technologies electoral management bodies have at their disposal.


This event will be hosted across two two-hour virtual roundtables. The first one will be led by A-WEB and will run between 10:00 – 12:00 UK local time (GMT+1). The second event will be led by ICPS and will run from 14:00 – 17:00 UK local time (GMT+1)

Speakers for Roundtable 1 Led by A-WEB

Corneille Nangaa
Chairperson, National Independent Election Commission (CENI) of DR Congo
Sudeep Jain
Deputy Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India (ECI)
Sherzod Alimov
Head of Information, Communication, and Technology Department, Central Election Commission (CEC) of Uzbekistan
Daniil Kaptsan
Head of Marketing, Kaspersky
Arnd Langguth
CEO of Biorugged

Joining Instructions for Roundtable 1

  • Join Zoom Webinar: here
  • Webinar ID: 881 7032 7457
  • Passcode: 684528

Speakers for Roundtable 2 Led by ICPS

Commissioner Thomas Hicks
Former Chair of the US Election Assistance Commission
Greg Essensa
Chief Electoral Officer, Elections Ontario
Arnd Langguth
CEO of Biorugged
Steven Griner
Vice President Sales of the Laxton Group
Dr. Didier Chilito Velasco
Director of National Identification at the National Civil Registry of Colombia
Mr. Ovidiu Oproaica
General Manager of the Informatization of Electoral Processes Department for the Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania
Dallas Newby
Director of International Business at Dominion Voting Systems

Joining Instructions for Roundtable 2

  • Join Zoom Webinar: here
  • Webinar ID: 839 8149 8315
  • Passcode: Technology


  • Share experiences of the use of technology in electoral processes (e.g. registration, voting and counting, results transmission)
  • Examine the practical, political and cost implications (and potential benefits and risks) of certain technologies
  • Identify methods for designing, implementing and monitoring new systems
  • Discuss potential reforms to existing legal frameworks to ensure they remain relevant with the 
incorporation of new technology
  • Develop an overview of new and emerging technologies including voter identification/ 
registration technologies, electronic voting technologies and internet voting
  • Review communication strategies to ensure voters understand and support the use of new 
technologies in their elections
  • Explore approaches to outsourcing and contracting and managing industry partner relations in 
regards to appropriateness, transparency, cost-benefit and acceptability

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