Date of Event: Wednesday, 2nd June 2021
Time of Event: 14:00–160:00 BST/UK time
Place of Event: Webinar
With a significant amount of changes to the electoral process being made in response to the ongoing global pandemic, there remain fears as to what the long-term and unforeseen implications may be. More specifically, could efforts to support our elections during the pandemic undermine them further down the road as malign actors seek to utilise changes for their own benefit or introduce changes under the cloak of the pandemic.
This webinar will look at the various reforms that have been introduced to democracies across the globe, and examine whether they have increased the level of systemic risks facing them. It will also ask how electoral management bodies can ensure that measures, that needed to be introduced quickly, still receive the vital scrutiny that all changes to the electoral process should receive.
Having a firm understanding of our elections’ systemic risk is not just an issue for the Covid period, but is at the heart of the future of our elections. The legitimacy of an election depends in large part on the actual and perceived integrity of the electoral process, and if voters and candidates believe that an election is fraudulent or has been poorly administered, they may not accept the outcome. By identifying and mitigating against these systemic risks, our elections will be stronger.
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