News - 13 Feb 25

Many Western Europeans think mandatory voting is important, but Americans are split
Around two-thirds of adults in Germany, France and the UK say it is important for their national government to make voting compulsory. More
America is exceptional in the nature of its political divide
The U.S. is not the only country wrestling with political fissures. But the pandemic has revealed how pervasive the divide in U.S. politics is. More
In past elections, U.S. trailed most developed countries in voter turnout
Comparing U.S. voter turnout to other countries' depends very much on which country you’re looking at and which measuring stick you use. More
From voter registration to mail-in ballots, how do countries around the world run their elections?
Ahead of the 2020 U.S. election, here’s a look at how elections are run in the United States and other countries around the world. More
Key facts about women’s suffrage around the world, a century after U.S. ratified 19th Amendment
At least 20 nations preceded the U.S. in granting women the right to vote, according to an analysis of measures in 198 countries and territories. More

Improving Voting Procedures : From Postal Voting to Online Voting

Date of Event: Wednesday, 28th April 2021

Time of Event: 14:00–16:00h UK time/BST

Place of Event: Webinar


The last year has given a renewed focus and led many electoral management bodies (EMBs) to reconsider their voting processes. With in person voting being pregnant with difficulties during a pandemic, a number of EMBs have embraced or extended existing forms of distanced voting. This can take a number of forms including postal voting and online voting.

While the leaders in this field are those who have been gradually upscaling their remote voting operations over a series of elections, the new demand for this service has led a number of EMBs to push through the process at a speed previously thought unadvisable. With this in mind, it is important for EMBs to not only consider how they change their electoral processes but ensure that they are not unintentionally exposing themselves to a new wave of integrity risks.

This webinar will look to bring both those in the public and private sector together to discuss how EMBs can effectively transform their electoral processes and voting procedures without damaging trust, security and transparency in their elections.


Dr Nasim Zaidi
Former Chief Election Commissioner of India
Dr Bridgett King
Associate Professor, Auburn University
Peter Wolf
Senior Expert in Electoral Processes, International IDEA


  • Examine different voting methods including postal, absentee, proxy, in person and online voting
  • Discuss the various methods and their susceptibility to fraud, miscounting and other forms of malpractice
  • Develop recommendations for legislators and election administrators to address challenges related to distance voting

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